
Weekly tips and tricks: super soft hair !!

Hey guys !!
So i am beginning a new serie called weekly tips and tricks :)
What i will do is that, every week i will post one or more beauty tips and tricks, i though it
maybe would be useful to some of you and that you could share your own beauty tips and trick in a comment so everyone can see them :) So yeah i hope you like it :)

So here i come with a super efficient trick to get super silky smooth hair:

What you will need:

-Shampoo ( it doesn't matter which one you use)
-An empty bottle

What you have to do:

So first take your shampoo and put the same amount that you would use for one wash in the empty bottle, then when you are done all you need to do is fill the rest of the bottle with water and shake it to blend the shampoo and the water together and TADAM!!! Done, easy right? :)

How will it help ?

Like you guys may now shampoo is kinda of a detergent, and everytime you wash your hair the shampoo takes off all the natural oils from your hair which isn't good sins those oils are the ones that nourishes your hair and protect it.
What happends when you use this blending is that it is more gentle to your hair.
I now a lot of peoples will say, but does it still clean my hair ? Yes it does, your hair will be super clean without damaging it :)
So yeah, it was all for today, i hope this post helped you guys :)
Bye, Bye !

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